Courses / Live courses

Cardiotocography CTG Interpretation and Labour Room Management

Learning Activity details
Course Location: Live
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Learning Activity Agenda:


Friday 25 April 2025


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Type of the Activity

Venue Based Workshop






Pre-Course Assessment

Basics of CTG

Dr. Haitham Badr

Dr. Ahmad Chamsi

Oxygen Pathway

Shared Mental Model

Factors Affecting Fetal Heart Rate Pattern

Medicolegal Pitfalls of EFM Tracing

Normal and abnormal labour

Partogram interpretation

Documentation and medical legal aspects in the labour and delivery room

CTG case discussions

Post-course Assessment


Scientific Committee:

Target Audience:
  • Medicine and Surgery
    1. Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Intern
  • Medical Student

Learning Activity Objectives:

1- To explain the role of EFM in improving maternal and neonatal outcomes.

2- To list the strengths & shortcomings of EFM.

3- To describe the EFM patterns and nomenclature systems.

4- To review the principles of intermittent auscultation and their standards of care.

5- To discuss EFM management algorithms.

6- To recognize the role of EFM in special clinical scenarios.

7- To identify intrapartum fetal hypoxia on the EFM.

8- To discuss the medicolegal aspects of EFM.

Learning Activity Description:

It will provide a highly professional and up to date evidence-based training on EFM interpretation based on fetal physiology and pathophysiology of intrapartum hypoxic injury so as to reduce hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy whilst reducing unnecessary operative interventions in your labor wards thus minimizing Obstetrician’s distress and Legal Litigations alike.

Our EFM  Masterclass is tailor designed by experts in the field of EFM interpretation and recent advances, with an average experience of over 25 years and we are keen to impart the crucial knowledge and wisdom to align your labor ward quality and safety KPIs.

The ACOG Practice Bulletin 106 states that in the annual database, approximately 3.4 million fetuses (85% of approximately 4 million live births) in the United States were assessed with electronic fetal monitoring (EFM), making it the most common obstetric procedure . Despite its widespread use, there is controversy about the efficacy of EFM, interobserver and interobserver variability, nomenclature, systems for interpretation, and management algorithms.

Moreover, there is evidence that the use of EFM increases the rate of caesarean deliveries and operative vaginal deliveries. Although the false positive rate for prediction of Cerebral Palsy with EFM is high ( excess of 99%) yet errors with Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring was the most common theme found in Five years of cerebral palsy claims: A thematic review of NHS Resolution data (2017).

NHS England (NHS England, 2019, 2016) recommends effective fetal monitoring in labor as one of the key elements of care designed to tackle stillbirth and neonatal deaths, and that training in EFM interpretation should be annual.

Our carefully constructed  EFM Masterclass will thus target the Labor Room Staff audience to pull all the above loose strings and focus on the latest methodology for placement of safety nets in your Labor ward EFM monitoring practices by providing you with evidence-based training on EFM interpretation based on fetal physiology and pathophysiology of intrapartum hypoxic injury so as to reduce hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy whilst reducing unnecessary operative interventions and hence reducing unnecessary and costly litigations.

Learning Outcome:

Our carefully constructed  EFM Masterclass will thus target the Labor Room Staff audience to pull all the above loose strings and focus on the latest methodology for placement of safety nets in your Labor ward EFM monitoring practices by providing you with evidence-based training on EFM interpretation based on fetal physiology and pathophysiology of intrapartum hypoxic injury so as to reduce hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy whilst reducing unnecessary operative interventions and hence reducing unnecessary and costly litigations.


You have to attend the Workshop to obtain the certificate.

Learning Activity requirements:


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