Courses / Recorded courses

Clinical Documentation Improvement Course (Recorded Educational Content Accessibility)

Accessibility Duration

Do you want to get the course with or without CME?

100.00 SAR
Accredited 2 CME Hours by SCFHS
Learning Activity details
Duration 2, 10, 4
Sessions 5 Sessions , 7 Assessments
Course Location: Recorded
Select The Dates Of The Updated Scientific Valid Content Released By The Scientific Committee.

Learning Activity Agenda:




Pre-Course Assessment

30 minutes

Mr. Mohammad Assiri

Session One

16 minutes

Session Two

15 minutes

Session Three

21 minutes

Session Four

18 minutes

Session Five

11 minutes

Post-course Assessment

30 minutes


Target Audience for the 2 CME Hours:

Blood Transfusion Medicine

Infectious Disease


Medical Oncology

Family Medicine

General surgery


Internal Medicine,

Anatomic Pathology


Emergency Medicine

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

Orthopedic Surgery

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Vascular Surgery

General Practice

Plastic Surgery

Forensic Medicine




Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac Surgery

Pediatric Neurology


Medical Genetics

Clinical Pathology

Nuclear Medicine

Critical Care Medicine



Medical Microbiology

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 

Radiation Oncology

Diagnostic Radiology

Allergy and Immumology

Gastrointestinal Surgery



Public Health

Geriatric Medicine



Occupational Medicine

Hematological Pathology

Pediatric Surgery

Thoracic Surgery

Neonatal Intensive Care



Pediatric Oncology


Vascular and Endovascular Surgery,

Pediatric Complex Care Palliative Care


Pediatric Emergency Medicine Trauma

Perinatal Neonatal Medicine

Bariatric medicine

hip and knee arthroplasty Surgery

Fetal Echocardiography,

Hand and Wrist Surgery

Developmental Pediatrics

Renal transplant


Preventive Medicine

Pediatric Nephrology


Colon and Rectal Surgery

Family and Community Medicine

Facioplastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Health Information



Adult Critical Care Nursing

Medical and Surgical Nursing

Nursing Administration

Primary Health Care Nursing

Psychological and Mental Health Nursing

Nursing Education

Pain Management Nursing

Cardiovascular Nursing

Maternity and Child Health Nursing

Hemodialysis Nursing

Pediatric Nursing

Anesthesia Nursing

Oncology and Palliative Care Nursing

Obstetrics and Gynecologic Nursing

Geriatric Nursing

Pediatric Nursing Critical Care

Neonatal Critical Care Nursing

Diabetic Podiatry Care Nursing

Emergency Care Nursing

Diabetic Care Nursing

Wound Care Nursing

Community and Public Health Nursing,

Disaster and Emergency Nursing

Pre, Intra and Postoperative nursing care

Home Health Care

Nursing / Neurophysiology

Emergency and Disaster Nursing Administration

Patient Care

Scientific Committee:

Target Audience:

Learning Activity Objectives:

1) To demonstrate Clinical Documentation Improvement.

2) To analyze and identify Policies and Procedures for Clinical Documentation Improvement.

3) To define the Importance of physician training in Clinical Documentation Improvement.

4) To apply training for nurses on clinical documentation improvement.

5) To demonstrate the mandated standards in Saudi Arabia for CDI and Coding compliance and national \ international Patient Safety Guidelines.

6) To illustrate the clinical documentation improvement auditing process.

7) To apply clinical documentation improvement Key Performance Indicators.

Learning Activity Description:

The main responsibility of all health care providers to ensure that each patient encounter within the health care system is documented in an accurate and timely manner. For a facility to develop a successful CDI program, there must be strong leadership and support from professional staff.

This course aims to improve the clinical documentation in the patient's medical records including (diagnosis, treatment, and progress notes) to standardize the documentation process and enhance clinical compliance, support for coding levels. 

CDI's primary purpose is to support quality patient care and to ensure that all healthcare providers caring for patients during current or next episodes of hospitalization have access to the necessary records. It must be accurate, up-to-date, and understandable.

This will enable healthcare facilities to provide high-quality and safe care to patients by ensuring safe and effective communications between healthcare providers.

Learning Outcome:

upon completing this activity, the participant will be able to:

1- Develop a good understanding of the Clinical Documentation Improvement objectives.

2-Assist the physicians and nurses in Ambulatory Care Centers in understanding the definition and importance of Clinical Documentation Improvements and the impact on patient safety and quality of care.

3-Learn and be able to apply the rules for Clinical Documentation and coding.


You have to complete the pre and post course assessment and attend the recorded lecture to obtain the certificate.

Learning Activity requirements:
Attend the lectures with focus and enjoy the valuable information.

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